Co-elevation: It’s Required to Work Through Frustrating Experiences Where Team Members Won’t Show Up

Team Leadership
10 Minute Read
September 27, 2021

The old world of work defined our teams mostly as people who reported to us, or who collectively reported to the same person. That is irrelevant to getting work done today.

Today, work is done across divisions and across silos. The definition of your team has evolved into who you need to work with in order to get the job that you’re trying to get done. The more transformational you are trying to be, the more pressure that’s put on you in the marketplace, the more innovative you need to be to break through and the broader your team needs to be inside and outside of the organization.

Chances are, if you are a team leader, you’re leading a group of individuals who probably don’t even know you’re the leader of the team.

In the past, strong relationships were derived with individuals that worked for you because you coached them, supported them and celebrated their success. You did everything you needed to make them successful. But in the new working world, there are individuals who work in other groups that you need to get buy-in from. But that’s not the way to think of these individuals.

If you want to create a mission that’s transformational or meets the demands of an extended marketplace of transformational pressure, you need to become true teammates and CoElevate.

Photo by Leon on Unsplash

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