"Building Relationships for Successful Project Management" Keith Ferrazzi at CIO Summit

Team Leadership
10 Minute Read
September 27, 2021

Techniques that allow project managers to establish the most critical relationships to ensure team "buy in" and success..... Methods to ensure team cohesion by creating a "nobody fails" atmosphere. Measurable definition of buy-in to achieve final outcome...... Series of exercises that leaders can utilize to create a safe place where innovation and creativity flourish.

Instruction on development of a Relationship Action Plan for your group to utilize with the top 250 relationships critical to your team's success. Introduction of the building blocks to easily establish a systematic approach to relational project management and collaborative problem-solving...... Identifiable steps to developing a Relational Culture by demystifying the 4 mindsets of Intimacy, Generosity, Candor and Accountability and making these mindsets of collaboration the cornerstone of the corporate culture.

Building Relationship Teams for Successful Project Management will set forth the components of an actionable template to allow managers to foster increased collaboration and teaming for greater corporate success.

"We had the privilege of hosting Keith Ferrazzi at our kickoff meeting for the critical implementation phase of our SAP-enabled Business Transformation program.  It is an absolute imperative that we execute this phase flawlessly and our intention was to deeply engage our information technology team.  Keith's animated style and ability to mix stories and humor with nuggets gleaned about AmerisourceBergen and our team truly understood the importance of relationships to our success.  Keith drove home the message that our success on this program, as team members in general, and ultimately in life is largely dependent on being there for one another -- Having Each Other's Back.  All of us walked away better for the experience, with an actionable template that will make us more successful."

Tom Murphy, Senior Vice President & CIO, AmerisourceBergen

Photo by Dylan Gillis on Unsplash

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